آبل تعمل على أداة لاختبار بطارية iPhone بعد اكتشاف وجود مشاكل في نسبة كبيرة من الأجهزة
ذكرت شركة آبل أنها بصدد إضافة أداة داخل نظام iOS تسمح بتشخيص وتحليل أداء بطارية هواتف iPhone لمعرفة الأسباب التي تؤدي إلى توقفها عن العمل، وذلك بعدما اكتشفت أن المشكلة لم تُصب مجموعة صغيرة فقط من مستخدمي iPhone 6S.
ونشرت شركة آبل على موقعها الرسمي في الصين، قبل أيام قليلة، تقريرًا ذكرت فيه أن مُشكلة البطارية في iPhone 6S التي أدت إلى توقف الأجهزة عن العمل بشكل مُفاجئ لا تُهدد حياة المستخدمين، لكنها عادت فيما بعد وأكّدت أن المشكلة لم تُصب مُستخدمي الأجهزة المصنوعة ما بين سبتمبر/أيلول وأكتوبر/تشرين الأول من عام 2015 فقط، بل هناك أجهزة أُخرى تُعاني من هذه المشكلة أيضًا
وبحسب آبل، فإن الأداة الجديدة ستقوم بفحص البطارية ومعرفة الأسباب ومحاولة العثور على الخلل، حيث تطمح إلى تطوير خوارزميات ذكية تقوم باحتساب نسبة الشحن بطريقة أفضل، وبالتالي يتخلّص المستخدم من مشكلة توقف الجهاز عن العمل بشكل مُفاجئ على الرغم من وجود 30٪ أو 40٪ في شحن البطارية.
ولم تُحدد آبل إصدار iOS الذي ستتوفر الأداة فيه، لكنها أكّدت أن الأداة ستتوفر خلال الأسابيع القليلة القادمة للحد من هذه المشاكل، إلى جانب إطلاق برنامج لاستبدال بطاريات هواتف iPhone 6S المُتضررة من خلال التوجه إلى متاجر آبل ومراكز الصيانة المُعتمدة.
يُذكر أن آبل أطلقت أداة جديدة على موقعها الرسمي تسمح لأصحاب هواتف iPhone 6S معرفة فيما إذا كانت أجهزتهم مؤهلة لاستبدال بطارياتها مجانًا، وذلك عملًا ببرنامج استبدال بطاريات هواتف iPhone 6SS الذي أطلقته قبل أسبوعين تقريبًا.
When Samsung launched its disastrous Galaxy Note 7 tablet, it relied on batteries from the Samsung SDI division responsible for manufacturing batteries within the umbrella of the Korean company, before moving to the Chinese company ATL after some battery burnouts and the company having to withdraw the phone from the market for the first time. Now, according to a new # report from South Korea, the company will rely on the Samsung SDI battery manufacturing branch to manufacture the Galaxy S8 battery as the company is currently convinced that the batteries that it relied upon initially had no problem, especially as the company has completed an internal investigation to reach The cause of the burning of Note 7 and it seems that the battery was not the cause of the
problem; On the other hand, # Samsung is currently preparing to come out with a press release explaining the
cause of the burning of the Note 7 phone, which has caused it heavy losses in money and brand confidence.
Apple is working on a tool to test the iPhone battery after discovering that there are problems in a large percentage of devices. Only small iPhone 6s users. A few days ago, Apple posted on its official website in China a report stating that the iPhone 6S battery problem that caused devices to suddenly stop working does not endanger users' lives, but later returned and confirmed that the problem did not affect users of devices made between Only September and October of 2015, but there are other devices that suffer from this problem as well. According to Apple, the new tool will examine the battery and find out the causes and try to find the defect, as it aspires to develop smart algorithms that calculate the charge rate in a better way, Thus, the user gets rid of a problem The device suddenly stops working despite having 30% or 40% charging the battery. Apple did not specify the version of iOS that the tool will be available in, but confirmed that the tool will be available within the next few weeks to reduce these problems, as well as launch a program to replace damaged iPhone 6S phone batteries by heading to Apple stores and authorized maintenance centers. It is reported that Apple launched a new tool on its official website that allows iPhone 6S owners to know if their devices are eligible to replace their batteries for free, in accordance with the iPhone 6SS battery replacement program that launched nearly two weeks ago.
When Samsung launched its disastrous Galaxy Note 7 tablet, it relied on batteries from the Samsung SDI division responsible for manufacturing batteries within the umbrella of the Korean company, before moving to the Chinese company ATL after some battery burnouts and the company having to withdraw the phone from the market for the first time. Now, according to a new # report from South Korea, the company will rely on the Samsung SDI battery manufacturing branch to manufacture the Galaxy S8 battery as the company is currently convinced that the batteries that it relied upon initially had no problem, especially as the company has completed an internal investigation to reach The cause of the burning of Note 7 and it seems that the battery was not the cause of the
problem; On the other hand, # Samsung is currently preparing to come out with a press release explaining the
cause of the burning of the Note 7 phone, which has caused it heavy losses in money and brand confidence.
Apple is working on a tool to test the iPhone battery after discovering that there are problems in a large percentage of devices. Only small iPhone 6s users. A few days ago, Apple posted on its official website in China a report stating that the iPhone 6S battery problem that caused devices to suddenly stop working does not endanger users' lives, but later returned and confirmed that the problem did not affect users of devices made between Only September and October of 2015, but there are other devices that suffer from this problem as well. According to Apple, the new tool will examine the battery and find out the causes and try to find the defect, as it aspires to develop smart algorithms that calculate the charge rate in a better way, Thus, the user gets rid of a problem The device suddenly stops working despite having 30% or 40% charging the battery. Apple did not specify the version of iOS that the tool will be available in, but confirmed that the tool will be available within the next few weeks to reduce these problems, as well as launch a program to replace damaged iPhone 6S phone batteries by heading to Apple stores and authorized maintenance centers. It is reported that Apple launched a new tool on its official website that allows iPhone 6S owners to know if their devices are eligible to replace their batteries for free, in accordance with the iPhone 6SS battery replacement program that launched nearly two weeks ago.